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Peer To Peer Fun

Co-Worker at Social Media Strategist extradenaire Murray Izenwasser recently sent me some art direction. Enough to make me scream if he'd not been fighting in the same trenches as I:

A couple of items:

  • Please don't make it too 'Liney' or too 'Curvey.'
  • Also, use blue. But don't use too much blue.
  • Maybe one line and one curve in blue.  
  • If you can, use photoshop to make me better looking, that would be great.  Maybe taller and thinner, too.
  • With a better personality. Something people would actually like.
  • Also, please use either Comic Sans or Papyrus, unless you want to use Bradley Hand or Curlz MT.
  • And don't bold the text, unless you really think you should.
  • But if you do, please make sure it doesn't look bolded.
  • If you can make my eyes blue to match the color of the waves in the background that would be great.
  • And make sure there is a 17.5 pixel border around it.
  • And I want to have both my Mom and Sophie (my 3 year old) look at it, to get their opinion.

But do whatever you think is best.