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$50,000 worth of viral concepts

Many of you will remember the following viral videos that helped launch Tiger Woods 2009 into one of last years top-selling games.

Tiger Woods "Walk on Water"

Tiger Woods 09 - "Square Peg, Round Hole"

Both ads were extremely clever, I'm by no means surprised the game was as successful as it was. This year they're asking the user to create the ad. User Generated Content (UGC) is nothing new in the online space. The rise of "new media" advertising with inexpensive cameras such as the ones on cell phones and The Flip have put the onus on John 'Q' Public to come up with the next viral winner.

There are some inherent problems with UGC:

  • Very often the same people inundate the boards with concepts
  • Often start-up agencies and design houses kill the chances of the little guy investing 'real' money to edge out the competition
  • Dependant up the amount of submissions vetting the material can be costly and time consuming
  • Often people not chosen can flame the concept with an anti-campaign

I think what [somewhat] separates this UGC campaign is that they give you winning ideas from the past, a simply creative brief and even a folder of video assets to pull from.

Here's a few initial concepts from the likes of the insane:

Now I need an angel investor.