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My Name Is Justice & I'm Addicted To Fonts

Courtesy of FranSchroeder.comMy love for fonts goes back to my childhood when my mother would hand letter everything. She still does when she's not on the computer Skyping friends in the UK or designing spots for the local paper. She even has a degree in 'Sign Making', which admittedly is almost entirely a thing of the past now having been rolled over by vinyl cutting machines and printers that are capable of printing to outdoor canvas. But there is a beautiful truth in the hand-painted letter that I still tip my hat too.

Here's to you "BONELESS CHICKEN ON SALE!" on the grocery store window.

Here's to you "SPRINGSATIONAL BLOW OUT!" car sale.

Here's to you "Orange County Fire Fighters, Station 18" - in golf leaf no less ;)

Here's to you Rock-A-Billy pinstriping dude!

All that being said I began and continue my obsession with fonts, signage & lettering. I hope the following lists comes as a blessed resource to you and your future designs. I've tried to weed this like of online font sites that just loop you from one to another only then to sell you porn and real estate along the way. If you find on here, tell me, I'll kill it.

Smashing Magazine Articles:

Font Portals:

Font Blogs:

Designers & Foundries (Courtesy of FontShop.com):

Font Styles:

Grunge Fonts:

Graffiti Fonts:

Font Creators/Software:

Font Lab:

Web Ready:


Font Tools:

Fun Tools: