Welcome to a creative mind: I’m Justice Mitchell, a Creative Director and marketing specialist passionate about sharing insights into education, marketing, and design to inspire and empower. Through these articles, I aim to educate, inform, and spark ideas that help others grow their skills and understanding. This blog also serves as my portfolio, showcasing my work and approach. I invite you to connect with me here or through my social media channels. I look forward to actively listening to you and continuing our conversations!

Business, Process, Social Media, Strategy, Technology Justice Mitchell Business, Process, Social Media, Strategy, Technology Justice Mitchell

Old-School Selling Addiction Meets No-Sell Social

I just completed a great run of presentations over the past couple weeks. Each successive audience offered up a new challenge or dilemma I didn’t anticipate. I actully LOVE this! As a recovering co-dependent hell-bent on saving the world, I had to resist the urge to rewrite the deck after every event and subsequent comment.
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Business, Content, Strategy, Technology Justice Mitchell Business, Content, Strategy, Technology Justice Mitchell

Tales From Performing A Flawless 10 - 90

I talk – a lot. But I hope that you guys also get a lot out of my endless babble about the integrated marketing world. Let me talk to you about the "10 - 90." Part of getting sales if giving away your smarts first to prove your metal. Often it's better help a little and show people what to do as the end payoff is, far more than likely, going to be greater.
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Blogging, Education, Interview, Social Media Justice Mitchell Blogging, Education, Interview, Social Media Justice Mitchell

Dino Dogan, Triberr & The Future Of The Free World

So Dino, tell me what is "Triberr"? Triberr is a weapon that helps small bloggers effectively compete for attention against large media properties, like Mashable, Huffington Post, NYTimes, etc. It's interesting that you should describe it as a weapon seeing as that's how I've seen it since day one. Berrie Pelsner was kind enough to invite me into the beta fold and I've been a hardcore advocate ever since.
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Advertising, Blogging, Business, Education, Social Media Justice Mitchell Advertising, Blogging, Business, Education, Social Media Justice Mitchell

You Want Real Social Business? Done.

I get a lot of questions frequently that seem to pile up. In the "social" aspects of what I do professionally it seems that there are no concrete answers. Everyone answer is vague and tirelessly noncommittal. Instead of trying to chip away at each one, I took a big stab at aggregating as many as I could think of and putting a bow on em'. I know the deck seems needlessly massive but I think there's some great takeaways in there no matter what level you're at.
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Business, New Business Development, Storytelling Justice Mitchell Business, New Business Development, Storytelling Justice Mitchell

The Fine Art of Pitching Your Creative

In the life of a professional advertiser, web/mobile designer, integrated marketer or creative director, there are few things more intimidating than preparing and pitching the first round of creative. It’s kind of like being a football coach who is designing plays for a big game – but with a lot more caffeine.
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Design, Interactive, Music, Technology Justice Mitchell Design, Interactive, Music, Technology Justice Mitchell

Rethinking The Musical Stage: Amon Tobin

I've reported to you my recent education of the modern electronic recording artist. This old dog can indeed pull his head from his ass if given the time and inclination to do so. Therefore, I found myself exploring new artists and came across a recommendation of Amon Tobin. Needless, to say I was stunned when I saw the brilliance not only in his music but the amalgam of talent they've assembled to rethink the physical stage for the artist.
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Applications, Content, Trends Justice Mitchell Applications, Content, Trends Justice Mitchell

Diary of a Trend Stalker: Gut Shot

Now that we've covered the basic methods of identifying topics, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. This can be tough work, but I don’t mind getting a little messy. I’m like the Mike Rowe of trend hunting – but without the contract to pimp Ford trucks. Maybe you have a gut feeling about something that might be a trend. Before you unleash your mind-dazzling observations on the community, put a little more thought into exactly WHY you think it is a trend. There's a very fine line between a genuine trend and the herd mentality of mass adoption.
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Applications, Business, Design Justice Mitchell Applications, Business, Design Justice Mitchell

Building an App? Keep Your Marketers in Mind

Look at the fantastic group of Type-A brainiacs you gathered around that table to brainstorm the next great Web-based, mobile or tablet application. You have a list of goals, functionality and UI/UX ideas. However, I bet that nowhere on the list is anything about how advertisers will use the tool. But I bet you DID think about how brands will use the tool – didn’t ya?
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Content, Process, Research, Trends Justice Mitchell Content, Process, Research, Trends Justice Mitchell

Diary of a Trend Stalker: The Weapons

Where would Bruce Springsteen be without his trusty blonde Telecaster? What would Annie Leibovitz do without her camera? How could Elmer Fudd hunt Bugs Bunny without his shotgun? Whether you are a rock star, a celebrity photographer, a cartoon archenemy … or a trend hunter – you need the right weapon to get the job done. We already established that everyone is a trend hunter to some extent. But your level of success depends on the time, tenacity and tools that you bring to the table.
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Webinar: eTips 2012 Trend Report

I'm very excited. I woke up to find this morning that my webinar, that I presented yesterday, made the cover of slideshare! We've admittedly created a nice body of good content here. I'd highly recommend you sift through the decks of your specific interests, give em' a look and give me your feedback! Enjoy!
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Design, Research, Soapbox, Trends Justice Mitchell Design, Research, Soapbox, Trends Justice Mitchell

Diary of a Trend Stalker: Chapter One

Every day I wake up, look in the mirror and marvel at the gorgeous physical specimen staring back at me. I soak it all in and think about how lucky my wife is to have me. Then I shake off the remnants of that final pre-alarm dream and take another look at the disheveled guy with unruly red locks and badass Jedi boxers. That’s when I see the 40-year-old father of a 4-year-old daughter, a husband, and a friend to what seems to be an endless array of people. I am blessed with innumerable online "F3s" (friends, fans and followers) with whom I feel the need to connect in some way. I also feel hopelessly out of touch.
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Business, Process, Social Media Justice Mitchell Business, Process, Social Media Justice Mitchell

How To Lie, Cheat & Steal Your Way To A Bigger Social Graph

No one in my industry is going to like what I’m about to share. I'm not a fan of “buying followers” or trading follows in social media. But if you want quantity and you don’t give a damn about quality, then consider this your guide. In the interest of transparency, I’ll tell you straight up that social media (SEO, content, online media buyers) professionals want you to believe there's no way to you could possibly do what we do. But that's a lie. It might be more accurate to say there's no way you could possibly do what we do as WELL as we do it.
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Employment, People, Social Media Justice Mitchell Employment, People, Social Media Justice Mitchell

Around the World in 7 Minutes - Headhunting With Your Social Graph

So many people ask me, "Why does it seem like you know everyone?" Well, my friends, that's very much by design. It’s true that I love people and I love being social. But the new-world rolodex (my social graph) is becoming increasingly valuable to your employer and your clients. Case in point: The other day I was speaking with a friend in a rapidly growing social media tool (look for an interview with him in an upcoming post). He asked, as many do, "Hey, do you know someone who does …" – in this case it was WordPress plug-in development.
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