Welcome to a creative mind: I’m Justice Mitchell, a Creative Director and marketing specialist passionate about sharing insights into education, marketing, and design to inspire and empower. Through these articles, I aim to educate, inform, and spark ideas that help others grow their skills and understanding. This blog also serves as my portfolio, showcasing my work and approach. I invite you to connect with me here or through my social media channels. I look forward to actively listening to you and continuing our conversations!
Social Short Order: "Find The Influencers"
Obviously you should pay attention to the number of followers. But more importantly, you're looking for their "true reach." True reach is a metric for those who engage in two-way communication about a trend or an industry. Get a feel for the writer’s “voice.” See if you share the same mindset.
So What Are The Rules For Gamification?
There are a slew of things to take into account when adding or creating a game-like environment for your site or its content. I'm going to assume that I don't need to tell you that, before any of you determine your goals, you should do a deep competitive analysis and determine the mindset of your demographic prior to spending any real money in this direction. This topic is a bit more than 101 when it comes to the new-world marketer, as it's making rapid changes and not a lot of it has been truly tested...
Your Hierarchy Of Social Media Needs
Much like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in psychology, there are various levels in social media that are becoming galvanized within the discipline. Therefore, we’ve outlined each, starting from the bottom and working our way to the top. While this document is a generalization, we know that each client has specific needs and we can work with you to create customized solutions to meet them.
The Baker's Dozen Of Social Media Suicide
Do you want to be one of the “social glitterati?” Do you want the admiration and respect of the impressionable masses that follow your every post, Tweet, update and check-in? Then pay close attention to this list of social media mistakes you should avoid:
The Cancer Of Becoming A Social Media Celebrity
So yesterday I attended Dan Zarrella's "The Science Of Social Media" that promised just-released secrets to the ways of social media. So I bite. First, things first before I go on a rant about the collapse of the this man's social empire. Dan Zarrella is/was a great mind. He has incredible insight with valuable metrics and information about twitter and Facebook users, and a myriad of other topics. I've quoted him in conversation, I pushed his relationship with Hubspot's services. I still look at Hubspot as a sound leader in the industry with a WEALTH of information that they freely give away. To that I say Hubspot is top-notch – at least at the time of this post. What tomorrow brings remains to be seen.
I Do This & I'm Not Rolling Around In Money – What Gives?
I still hear people say 'well I'm not sure if my social media efforts are creating enough traffic to my website.' To that, let me say this: Stop worrying about having every friend, fan and follower use your website as some epicenter of truth. This is ineffective thinking from today forward. Social media is not a direct connect to sales. It's not "buy now." It's "have you heard?" and the thing that people seem to forget is that while pushing product is fine, loyalty to that product/brand/service is going to maintain a long-term customer and make you more money over time.
15 Quick Steps For Building Your Social Graph
I'm not going to lie – building your social empire takes time. It's a marathon and not sprint. But as with all things there are things you can do right and wrong. Why take the time to make the mistakes I've already made, when I can give you some quick tips to get you started!
Why News, UGC & Social Media Will Be To Blame For All Future Wars
I was hit with sound clarity in a discussion over the weekend that came to a crystal-clear resolution for me is that the United States of America is going to be in an never-ending conflict with factors beyond our control due to the advancement of social media, it's citizen journalism and the emotional weaknesses of its people. If you have a cell phone you have the power to enact great emotional upheaval. And dependent upon your view of chaos math, that content could even go as far as starting a war. And this does not come on a soapbox claiming innocence of this stance, I will outline thoroughly that I'm as/if not more guilty than you all.
I Got A Golden Ticket! But Is Google+ All That Glitters?
So no surprise in the social world. The hottest invite to a beta launch this week is Google+. Google has finally stepped into the ring with Facebook to take on the social giant. Is it ready for prime time? Well that remains to be seen on a great many levels, but I'll say it's worth trying for sure. Google's tools are always very good, solid if you will. But the past has shown us a line of projects that never got the attention they deserved such as Google Wave and others. There's a great deal of discussion of whether or not much of that (Google Wave) technology might be repurposed in Google+ — yet another item that remains to be seen.
Digital Influence Part Two: Influencial DNA
Here's an interesting article debating the likes of #EA and others regarding digital influence: http://adage.com/article/digitalnext/social-media-a-bad-measure-influence/227557/ - while well rounded, I must say to think that #SoMe is the (by no means) not the only measurement. Most current metrics are flawed to begin with as there's no defined standards and regulatory compliance. I practice #SoMe and don't hold nearly the stock in klout and other services as this article seems to portray. What are your thoughts?
Social Metrics & Data Visualization Porn #101
Need some juice for that client that isn't certain that social media is for them? This deck is great resource for you. I've taken the time to vet out what I see as key points for me as a marketer and as an entrepreneur. I hope this gives you some great metrics:
Digital Influence Part One: Should I Even Care?
Yesterday I had a great discussion with a client about social, often known as 'digital' influence. Social influence is a huge buzz term within our industry right now, as it seems to be skyrocketing as importance to marketers that are seeking people to purchase and more importantly talk about their affinity with said product to their network of friends, fans and followers. These people are seen as pure platinum.
Empire Avenue: Can Anything Professional Come From It?
Empire Avenue for social gamers and social media professionals is quickly becoming the rage.
Empire Avenue or #EA as it's AKA, is by their definition "The Social Media Exchange - Empire Avenue is the Social Media Exchange, where you can invest in any social media profile by buying their shares, meet new people, unlock Achievement badges, and earn boatloads of virtual cash by being active and social online! Buy shares in your friends, your followers, people with similar interests, brands you love, celebrities – anyone!
Social Standard Operating Procedures: The Art Of Engagement
What makes Social Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) different is more the how-to aspect of the position. What is the baseline of responsibility of the position. This also sets valuable performance indicators for your HR staff to measure the talent of a given employee. And much like all situations have a sliding scale, it gives everyone involved in the process a barometer by which to work by. I will say the caveat to a SSOP is that there are so many variables to digital social communications...
Becoming A Brand Evangelist, My Way.
I've been in interactive, advertising and social media for nearly two decades and in that time I've learned a handful of things. One is about people, more so the people that already get your brand, product or service and are willing to evangelize it. They do this simply by using, talking and supporting its claims as 'their best in class'. A new movement in social media is rightfully sweeping across most campaigns I initiate, it's the construction of "Brand Ambassadors"...
Social Media Policies - A "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card?
You hear a lot of companies doing their best to jump on board constructing "Social Media Policies" (SMP). SMP are indeed the foundation from which you must not only hire the respective positions from but mandate that anyone within your company that uses social media tools understands. We here so much about a few key strokes ruining brands these days with the misuse and lack of understanding that can come from not using social media properly...