All tagged funny

Think back to your first real job. Remember that one old-timer who had all the great stories? I don’t mean the bitter guy who wore a tie with his dandruff-covered short-sleeved shirt, and referred to upper management as “The Gestapo.” I mean the funny dude who seemed to know his shit, but also had a million great stories about the industry. He knew every client, went to all the trade shows – and talked about flying on airlines like Eastern and Pan Am. Back when they served real meals. In coach.
Today I saw that the CDC put together a page for the zombie apocalypse. Even better, they give you the option to put banners on your blog or website. As many of you know I'm the zombie apocalypse, crazy conspiracy guy. I'm over the moon landing, (thank you very much Mythbusters) but I still say that we didn't kill Bin Laden and we have him tucked safely in basement somewhere with a car battery strapped to his testicles, and I'll sleep OK knowing that.